So once i figured what is essential to recognize the character, i can now start working my design. I prefer to start with the shapes, a good way to work the icons is to either flatten 3D objects into 2D patterns or in this case to expand the 2D icon into a 3D shape: a diamond shape composed of 10 sided diamond shapes.
This worked perfectly because the character already had a gem on his forehead so i keeps to it's original design. It also got me thinking on just what did Ultron really change on the android, what kind of tech would he use. In Marvel's Universe there's already a predecessor to Physics altering prisms, so i imagine that Ultron would synthesize (like a fake diamond) a far less powerful version of the Cosmic Cube but with a much more controlled and precise use (machine efficiency). Hence, i designed a Frequency Engine, the tech used by Ultron to revive Vision, i see it as this gems that simply phase while being placed inside the android, efficient, fast and simple. Since the character always fired beams of energy by his eyes and gem the look was determined by human morphology.
This is a clear example of keeping to the created universe's laws, they may not be realistic but should remain cohesive. Making links to things that already exist within the story is always a good way to make the changes part of the whole and therefore seamless.
Next in line, the costume.